Poll: Things Are Looking Up for 2025—Unless You’re a Democrat

The new year is only days away, and at this time of year, it’s routine to not only look back at the year just past but to look ahead at the new year that’s coming. On Sunday, a CBS/YouGov poll on this topic released by CBS News shows that Americans in general are more optimistic about 2025 than they were at the same time last year about 2024.
Can you blame us?
Heading into 2025 Americans are more hopeful than discouraged — and more outright hopeful than they were heading into 2024. Last year was more mixed.
It does look like this very political past year is affecting that larger outlook going into next year.
Among those who say they’re generally hopeful about 2025, their top reason is that Donald Trump will be president.
His upcoming presidency ranks even higher among things making them feel hopeful about 2025 than their outlook for their own personal relationships and finances.
Now, there’s a catch. There’s always a catch. While the poll showed that 57 percent of respondents were “hopeful,” as opposed to 47 percent the year before, it’s interesting to look at the responses when party affiliation is added to the mix. Sixty percent of respondents who replied they were “hopeful” did say that “Trump becoming president” was one of the reasons that they feel hopeful, while 85 percent who replied that they were “discouraged” also cited Trump becoming president.
Gosh, who didn’t see that coming?
Now, 85 percent of Republicans, 49 percent of Independents, and a mere 38 percent of Democrats were among those who replied they were “hopeful.” Honestly, given the wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from Democrats these days, it’s amazing that as many as 38 percent of Democrats are “hopeful.” One wonders, in fact, if these are the same people who are pushing Kamala Harris to run for president again in 2028.
If so, we should encourage them; then, we could be even more optimistic when we look forward to 2029.
Oh, and Joe Biden? In this survey, his approval is down and sinking fast, with 39 percent approving and 61 percent disapproving of his job as president – which tells me that 39 percent of the respondents have evidently been living in a cave somewhere in Outer Mongolia for the last four years.
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Oh, and there is a question about people’s most prevalent New Year’s resolutions. Honestly, who cares? If you need to resolve to do something you wouldn’t have done otherwise, well, you probably still won’t do that thing. So let’s dispense with the whole “New Year’s resolution” horse squeeze.
Polls like this can be fun to pick apart. But most of the time – as in this case – they don’t really reveal any useful information.
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